Mission, Vision, Values

Our Motto

A Bible-based, God-ruled, and Spirit-led community of disciples who emphasize spiritual growth through worship, ministry, and fellowship.


Our Mission

The mission of The Adoni Spiritual Formation Center is to foster spiritual growth through the worship of God as revealed in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit; ministry that meets the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of people; and fellowship.


Our Vision

The Adoni Spiritual Formation Center is a place where:

  1. People are free to worship as the spirit leads.

  2. Everyone is involved in a spiritual formation group.

  3. Everyone is involved in ministry.

  4. Everyone is involved in the life of their community.

  5. All activities are funded by tithes and offerings.

  6. The work of God through Jesus Christ is obvious to everyone.


Our Values

The following values statement is an expression of what’s most important to us. It reflects our organizing principles, motto, mission, and vision. When confronted with issues that are difficult to resolve, our values, along with our organizing principles, motto, mission, and vision, will be used to lead us to a resolution:

  • The will of God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit:  Doing the will of God is our primary goal.  All other goals are secondary.

  • Scripture and spirit-led worship, ministry, fellowship, and decision making:  The word of God and the spirit of God determine the will of God; therefore, the word of God and the spirit will guide us as we make decisions and fulfill our mission.

  • Spirit-led unity:  As much as possible, all decisions will be made by unanimous consent of the Ministry of Elders.

  • Respect and support of leadership and one another:  As a theocracy, we respect and support our leaders at all levels, beginning with God, flowing down to the Ministry of Elders and the Pastor, and then to ministry leaders.  We also respect and support each person as a unique individual who has been created in the image of God.

  • Ministry that meets the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of people of all ages inside and outside of the church:  Providing ministry to all people in all circumstances is critical.  Whether or not they are listed as a supporter is irrelevant.

  • All ministry as an opportunity for evangelism:  Everyone we interact with needs to “hear” the gospel.  Whether it’s a verbal witness or an observational witness is irrelevant.  Presenting the gospel in a non-intrusive way will be part of all our ministries.

  • The spiritual growth and gifts of each person:  All Christians have the presence of the spirit of God and have been given at least one spiritual gift.  Developing each person’s sensitivity to the spirit of God and giving each person the opportunity to exercise their spiritual gift(s) is critical.

  • Laity-led ministry and the development of laity as leaders:  Laity-led ministry and leadership development is a critical part of our growth and development.  Wherever possible, laity will be given the opportunity to lead areas of ministry.

  • Authentic behavior:  People who interact with us are free and encouraged to be who they are without being rejected as people worthy of our love.

  • The exercise of free will:  The right of people to choose is valued.  As much as possible, people will not be coerced or required to act in a manner that violates their sense of free will.

  • Creativity, innovation, and a permission-giving environment:  Ideas that are “outside of the box” will be encouraged.  An environment that makes it possible for anyone to engage in ministry anytime, anywhere, and to anyone will be fostered.

  • Taking risks for the sake of meeting the needs of people:  Because of our faith in God, when faced with the choice between taking a risk to meet the needs of people and not taking a risk, we will be inclined to take the risk.

  • Excellence in everything we do:  Excellence honors and glorifies God. Excellence in everything we do will be encouraged.

  • The liberation and empowerment of people:  As a secondary goal, our mission seeks to help all people recognize they are free and have the ability to exercise power.

  • Accountability:  Everyone will be responsible for the decisions they make and the actions they take.